The customer or his authorized representative may, with four (4) weeks prior notice given to seller, visually inspect products manufactured by seller. Such seller approved inspections will be carried out in accordance with seller's standard or sellerapproved customer inspection procedures. If any inspection or documentation requested by the\ customer is over and beyond the scope and criteria initially agreed to by the seller, any costs incurred by conducting such inspection or preperation of special documents shall be paid by the buyer prior to release of the items for shipment.
Witness Hydro-Testing
Witness hydrotesting is available at a cost. A scope of buyers inspection request is to be provided to seller at order placement. Late notice of such requested inspection is subject to additional costs. The cost associated with such witness hydro request is to be agreed on prior to any such testing taking place. Payment of this type of testing to be negotiated. Additionally, any costs associated with a third party inspector will not be at the sellers expense